The Platform That Offers the Most Innovative Tools Will Attract the Best Writers
A fear of numbers is no longer acceptable for authors in the modern day. Up until lately, writers have only been concerned with the amount on the cheque (and how it requires one, ideally two, extra zeros at the end).
Professionals in all fields, including writing, are currently drowning in data. We have a wealth of information on our readers, including how many people read our stories, where they came from, the keywords that appeal to them, and much more.
As long as you know how to analyse them, numbers are excellent. But one of the few things I do recall from my undergraduate physics classes is how simple it is to alter data in order to support an incorrect hypothesis.
Statisticians must always keep in mind that they are not an absolute. Statistics are a tool, and their use depends on our ability to apply them properly. Using a screwdriver to saw through a board is ineffective. Although the screwdriver is still useful, we continuously need to create new tools that are more suited for the task at hand.
Think about the effects of giving authors better analytical tools.
Even with subpar tools, a great artist may produce amazing results. With the right tools, a novice artist may create work that is serviceable. superb tools, on the other hand, may totally alter society in the hands of a superb artist.
How will analytical tools alter human literature
For authors, it’s an exciting moment. A lot of illuminating data on how readers engage with a book has been gathered thanks to the shift from print to digital media. Writers have up to now had to get by on a small quantity of knowledge. It’s been similar to attempting to determine a poker hand based solely on betting patterns and facial tics.
There is a lot more useful data accessible now. The majority of authors do not, however, have access to that information. Consider going beyond simple information like the quantity of impressions and views. Think about getting a report…