Is Our Convenience-Obsessed Culture Undermining Our Overall Wellbeing?

2 min readNov 24, 2023


Convenience culture is undoubtedly here to stay. Because we can tap, swipe, click, and pay with only a few finger movements thanks to technology, we are naturally lazy and are less inclined to do anything that might even slightly annoy us.

Could I visit the gym whenever I want to, rather than just when my alarm goes off?

Driving without a GPS and using a physical map would be “crazy,” wouldn’t it?

Should I have my food delivered or should I go pick it up?

How about a spontaneous get-together with pals?

The majority of individuals would arrange to meet friends weeks in advance, use GPS to navigate, organize their time at the gym, and have their order delivered right to their door.

We’re completely fixated. with speed, ease, and shortcuts, doing tasks quickly. Nevertheless, we have a hollow feeling rather than increasing accomplishment.

I get every grocery delivery right to my door. Vegetables that are chopped and frozen are part of my shopping, so I don’t have to cut them and they (usually) never go bad. It also implies that I won’t have to leave the house for days at a time. Additionally, I don’t have to worry about overspending on dinner preparation.

Making time for the things we love is important, but can completing more tasks in less time ultimately free up more time for work?

Hidden Costs of Easy Living

Our easy-going way of life has robbed us of serendipity and diminished the possibility of spontaneity. Our existence is robotic and preprogrammed.

An alarm sounds, waking us up. Poop without scrolling is not possible. We are reminded to stay upright. to take a breath. to go. We set time limits for using screens. Reminders regarding our closest friend’s birthday appear on social media. Everything from coffee to clothes is delivered right to our house. To get more for our time, we view things twice. To have more time, we make the most of it.

Saying that ease hasn’t benefited us in a variety of ways is untrue. It would be impossible for me to communicate without technology.




Written by Fivtech

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